SLEEP 2024 On-Demand - Postgraduate Course, C-09

Member Price: $122.50 (30% off)

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C-09: When and Why to Consider Surgery for Sleep Apnea? (On-Demand Access Until 4/30/2025)

This course will describe the important yet underutilized roles for surgery in the management of adults with obstructive sleep apnea. It will review the underlying evidence to support those roles. It will summarize the AASM Guideline on referral for sleep surgery, including the basis for and recommendations from the guideline.

Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:

  • Define the roles of sleep apnea surgery;
  • Appreciate the breadth of sleep apnea surgery;
  • Recite key evidence that supports the roles of sleep apnea surgery; and
  • Use the guideline for referral for sleep apnea surgery evaluation.

Course Chair: Edward M. Weaver, MD, MPH

Members: SLEEP2024M
Nonmembers: SLEEP2024N

CME Information
Continuing Education Credits Available:
CME: 3.75| CEC: 3.75| ABPN MOC: 3.75| ABP MOC: 3.75| ABOHNS MOC: 3.75| ABIM MOC: 3.75|